Media language
1) What different examples of typography can you find on the cover of Tatler? What are the connotations of the serif and sans serif fonts?
The use of serif fonts on the cover of tattler establishes a sense of timelessness and authority, evoking a high-end classic aesthetic.
2) How do the cover lines appeal to the Tatler target audience?
It constructs women as being to look fashionable, to travel and to go to the right of parties.
3) What are the connotations of the Tatler colour scheme on this particular front cover?
3) What are the connotations of the Tatler colour scheme on this particular front cover?
4) How is the central image designed to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. the model, the mise-en-scene such as props, costume and make-up, body position, facial expression etc.)
1) What celebrities or famous people are mentioned on the cover? Why do you think Tatler put them on the cover?
1) What celebrities or famous people are mentioned on the cover? Why do you think Tatler put them on the cover?
Emma Weymouth, i think shes on the cover to show what it is about
2) What do the cover lines suggest about the lifestyle of rich people in the UK?
The british upper and upper-middle classes, and people interested in relevant society events.
3) Looking at the image and cover lines together, what different groups of people are represented on the cover and how are they represented? (E.g. men/women/rich people/race & ethnicity etc.)
4) Are there any stereotypes being reinforced or subverted? How? Why?
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