1) Pick three aspects of camera movement in the Minority Report clip. Identify the type of camera movement and write about why the director chose to use that camera movement in the scene and what effect it has on the audience.
Monday, 21 October 2024
Minority Report clip
Blog feedback and learner response
Y10 blog feedback October 2024
WWW: A positive
start to Media Studies – well done for completing mostly all your blog work!
Your fruit bowl is creative and well designed and showcases your technical
ability. Your Mise-en-scene blog post where you analysed the opening of the
Stranger Things clip is detailed and this is the level of analysis required for
this subject
EBI: Ensure you
use the Snipping Tool to screenshot the camera shots of the shots that you
identified in the Doctor Who clip. Also, complete any extension work for the
blog posts if you wish to ensure you receive a top grade in the subject.
LR: Create a
new blogpost on your Media blog called ‘Blog feedback and Learner Response’.
Copy and paste this WWW/EBI feedback into your blogpost then complete the LR
tasks/questions below.
Please go back
and complete the outstanding blog posts above. Reflect on your first month of
Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your
weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest
of the course?
My strongest piece of work is mostly completing all of my work, and how my fruit bowl is very designed and creative and it showcases your technical ability.
My weakest work is not snipping the camera work to screenshot the camera shots that i identified on the doctor who clip.
I need to develop my camera shots knowledge and improve my ability of doing it and focus on how im going to do the course work.
Tuesday, 15 October 2024
Camerawork blog tasks
Close up: At the scene 2:44 the video call transitions to a man typing intensely on the computer. The camera focuses on his fingers and keyboard making this scene more intense. During this scene we can see that people are in a hurry and there in a mission. To add on this makes the audience focused, interested, and confused on what’s happening as everything in that scene goes in speed.
Medium long shot: In the scene 0:52 It shows the prime minister talking through the computer but facing her back to the audience whilst she is speaking. This makes the scene seem realistic as we can see the layout of her computer and monitor and how organised her table is during that scene. The audience can infer that she is an organised and responsible person due to the layout of her desk.
Camera angle: At 3:07 the women is quickly typing and the camera angle goes to low to high making this scene look very serious. This is because the angle on this scene shows her hands then her progressively to her face. This makes the audience think that the women is trying to solve a situation around her surroundings.
Mise en scene: In this clip of doctor who we can see characters dressed in suits and some in casual as there costumes. We can see the prime minister wearing casual clothes such as a grey jumper. As the audience they can infer that she is trying to hide her identity perhaps due to a high profile or public recognition because there is no clue of what could happen.
All of this just shows how intense everything is and how things happen which do not make sense and its very confusing. This also shows how many of the camera movements mean a lot of things with people introducing themselves as things and how the back round matches what goes on in the scenes.
Introduction to Media - index so far
1) First blog task - 10 questions
2) Denotation and Connotation
3) Introduction to Photoshop: fruit bowls
4) Mise-en-scene: Stranger Things
5) Camerawork: shots and angles
6) Camera movement and editing
7) Blog feedback and learner response
Monday, 14 October 2024
1) Pick three camera shots from the Doctor Who scene and explain what type of shot it is and what meanings or effect they have on the audience.
zoom: focal length of lens arranged to make subject appear closer or further away.
crane: camera attached to crane- can pan track or swoop in or out us required.
tilt: camera tilts up and down from fixed point.
Extension: In stranger things we see one of the characters mum in a low angle shot.This suggests to the audience that she is a leader and dominate as she looks very powerful from the low angle as she is older and can have the authority to control things.
Monday, 7 October 2024
Mise-en-scene: Stranger Things analysis
Create a new blogpost called 'Mise-en-scene: Stranger Things analysis'.
1) Choose THREE aspects of mise-en-scene (e.g. costume, lighting and setting) and write a short paragraph for each about the denotation and connotation and what is communicated to the audience.
fruit bowl
I used multiple colours from the beauty and beast front cover, to make the fruits a range of different colours and see if it'll show the match of the colours from the cover of the picture.
Media assessment 2 learner response
WWW: Some attempt made to analyse the unseen media products. You can recall some film industry work but not all correct EBI: It is clear th...
1) List any tasks you have that are missing or incomplete. The demographic and photographic. 2) Reflect on your tracker/feedback and wri...
1. WWW: A positive start to Media Studies – well done for completing mostly all your blog work! Your fruit bowl is creative and well designe...
Medium shot: At the start of the video it shows the woman introducing herself as former prime minister. This shows us just half her body and...