Denotation & Connotation blog tasks: advert analysis
Create a new blogpost in your GCSE Media blog called 'Denotation and connotation'.
1) Write an analysis of the WaterAid advert above using denotation, connotation and analysis. What can you see? What are the deeper meanings in the advert? What does the advert communicate to the audience? How might an audience react after seeing the advert?
Denotation: This WaterAid advert shows a kid upset and how they get treated. It also features the back round looking dry and deserted (technical code) I also notice a big sign saying 'Dig toilets Not graves' which suggests they're going through things and struggle.
Connotation: This slogan is just in plane white colours (written code) its trying to show us there's no bright colours as there isn't excitement in the child's face maybe trying to show us they are trying to look for help with what they're going through.
2) Now choose your own choice of advert from Google images. Save it to your documents, insert it into your blogpost and write an analysis using denotation and connotation, explaining what the advert is communicating to the audience.
Extension: Print advert research
Read this design blog on some of the best print adverts of all time. Choose one advert that you feel is particularly powerful in terms of its use of connotations and analyse why it is so successful
Denotation; The back round is a shade of purple. The chocolate is brown. it also shows a phrase from the front 'dairy milk'. the title contains white and a lightest yellow gold (symbolic)
Connotation: The slogan is deliberately in white and big bold writing, the word Cadbury is in cursive writing with the lightish amounbt of gold and yellow mixed.